Body Quotes
Abundance (20)
Advaita (14)
Alone (191)
Angels (16)
Anger (180)
Animals (39)
Art (1407)
Atman (30)
Attachment (98)
Awakening (38)
Awareness (159)
Beauty (129)
Bhakti (16)
Bliss (123)
Body (654)
Brahma (63)
Brahman (39)
Brain (50)
Breath (134)
Buddhism (16)
Change (272)
Compassion (184)
Confidence (38)
Consciousness (328)
Courage (98)
Creativity (79)
Culture (64)
Darkness (83)
Death (254)
Desire (301)
Destiny (28)
Dharma (29)
Discipline (61)
Disease (53)
Divine (249)
Divinity (26)
Dream (107)
Dreams (25)
Earth (173)
Effort (147)
Ego (245)
Energy (132)
Enlightenment (74)
Evil (162)
Evolution (62)
Existence (191)
Eyes (139)
Failure (51)
Faith (224)
Family (77)
Fear (295)
Food (84)
Forgiveness (35)
Freedom (167)
Friend (158)
Future (182)
God (1448)
Grace (115)
Gratitude (43)
Guru (110)
Habits (30)
Happiness (320)
Happy (205)
Harmony (81)
Hatred (52)
Health (94)
Heart (693)
Heaven (128)
Hell (37)
Honor (50)
Human (535)
Humanity (88)
Ignorance (114)
Illusion (72)
Imagination (48)
India (69)
Infinite (141)
Intellect (80)
Intelligence (66)
Intuition (26)
Jesus (106)
Journey (72)
Joy (420)
Justice (69)
Karma (57)
Knowledge (338)
Krishna (101)
Kriya Yoga (827)
Liberation (46)
Life (1404)
Light (479)
Love (1337)
Manifestation (43)
Mantra (25)
Maya (28)
Meditation (281)
Mind (1257)
Miracle (40)
Moment (343)
Money (71)
Music (96)
Nature (389)
Nonviolence (23)
Ocean (112)
Paradise (19)
Past (154)
Patience (70)
Peace (431)
People (623)
Philosophy (43)
Pleasure (119)
Poverty (47)
Practice (287)
Pranayama (14)
Prayer (137)
Purpose (129)
Reality (223)
Religion (200)
Sacrifice (58)
Sadhana (32)
Secret (117)
Seeker (47)
Senses (66)
Service (120)
Silence (160)
Simplicity (26)
Sin (701)
Sleep (76)
Smile (54)
Society (101)
Sorrow (82)
Soul (532)
Sound (65)
Source (138)
Spirit (578)
Spiritual (411)
Success (137)
Suffering (247)
Sun (139)
Surrender (63)
Thoughts (247)
Time (630)
Touch (107)
Truth (506)
Unconscious (44)
Understanding (124)
Unity (135)
Universe (243)
Vedanta (30)
Violence (71)
War (681)
Wealth (107)
Wisdom (170)
Work (382)
World (1043)
Yoga (142)
Zazen (12)
Zen (72)
Body Quotes
There is freedom, but nobody who is free.
This practice of yoga is to remove the weeds from the body so that the garden can grow.
Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.
Yoga uses the body to discipline the mind and to reach the soul.
Those who grieve find comfort in weeping and in arousing their sorrow until the body is too tired to bear the inner emotions.
Vain is the word of a philosopher which does not heal any suffering of man. For just as there is no profit in medicine if it does not expel the diseases of the body, so there is no profit in philosophy either, if it does not expel the suffering of the mind.
The soul is subject to health and disease, just as is the body. The health and disease of both... undoubtedly depend upon beliefs and customs, which are peculiar to mankind.
Rise above the dualities, the opposites. See this whole world as the bubbles on the surface of water. See people as bubbles on the surface of the Brahman, of the Infinity...Water bubbles up, rises up. Like that, everybody is rising and having their own games and plays and dissolving back into the Infinite.
Your body does not eliminate poisons by knowing their names. To try to control fear or depression or boredom by calling them names is to resort to superstition of trust in curses and invocations. It is so easy to see why this does not work. Obviously, we try to know, name, and define fear in order to make it “objective”
What wonderful majesty! What stupendous condescension! O sublime humility! That the Lord of the whole universe, God and the Son of God, should humble Himself like this under the form of a little bread, for our salvation ...In this world I cannot see the Most High Son of God with my own eyes, except for His Most Holy Body and Blood.
It is possible that in the 21st Century the Earth will not be inhabited by humans. One of the great mystics of India, a very simple man up in the mountains, somebody once asked him about the future. He said there will come a time when you'll walk five miles and you may see a light and you'll be so happy to know another being exists.
You exist in time, but you belong to eternity- You are a penetration of eternity into the world of time-You are deathless, living in a body of death- Your consciousness knows no death, no birth- It is only your body that is born and dies-But you are not aware of your consciousness-You are not conscious of your consciousness-And that is the whole art of meditation; Becoming conscious of consciousness itself.
When this love, the heavenly gift of Nature, appears in the heart, it removes all causes of excitation from the system and cools it down to a perfectly normal state; and invigorating the vital powers, expels all foreign matters—the germs of diseases—by natural ways (perspiration and so forth). It thereby makes man perfectly healthy in body and mind, and enables him to understand properly the guidance of Nature.
If you are Turiya, pure consciousness, you don’t have problems. If you have problems, then in some sense you’re still identified with the body and mind … Problems are always there in the three states, but in the one reality beyond the three states there is no problem … Realizing yourself as that, then live your life in the waking state, in the dream state, and in the deep sleep state—you are not affected by any of it.
Remember, you are not so miserable as you have made yourself out to be. You are God, too, and cultivating this constant awareness within you will help keep you from false attachments, from identifying yourself with your body, mind, and senses. So you must say to yourself, “Body, mind, and senses are mine, but they are not me, for I am that eternal flame which is not subject to change, death, and decay.” This awareness should always be with you.
Quantum healing is healing the bodymind from a quantum level. That means from a level which is not manifest at a sensory level. Our bodies ultimately are fields of information, intelligence and energy. Quantum healing involves a shift in the fields of energy information, so as to bring about a correction in an idea that has gone wrong. So quantum healing involves healing one mode of consciousness, mind, to bring about changes in another mode of consciousness, body.
It is said about Lord Buddha sadaya-hrdaya darsita-pasu-ghatam. He saw the whole human race going to hell by this animal killing. So he appeared to teach ahimsa, nonviolence, being compassionate on the animals and human beings. In the Christian religion also, it is clearly stated, 'Thou shall not kill'. So everywhere animal killing is restricted. In no religion is the unnecessary killing of animals allowed. But nobody is caring. The killing process is increasing, and so are the reactions. Every ten years you will find a war. These are the reactions.
Nobody doubts that he exists, though he may doubt the existence of God. If he finds out the truth about himself and discovers his own source, this is all that is required.
The body is made by the thought that lies behind it. The body politic is thus the expression of national thought.
The body is the external coating and the mind is the internal coating of the Atman who is the real perceiver, the real enjoyer, the being in the body who is working the body by means of the internal organ or the mind.
Self-realization is the knowing in all parts of body, mind, and soul that you are now in possession of the kingdom of God; that you do not have to pray that it come to you; that God’s omnipresence is your omnipresence; and that all that you need to do is improve your knowing.
A genuine smile distributes the cosmic current, Prana to every body cell.The happy man is less subject to disease, for happiness actually attracts into the body a greater supply of the Universal life energy.
The most effective teachers embody the teaching they give out.