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Existence Quotes


Existence Quotes

Those who recognize the existence of suffering, its cause, its remedy, and its cessation, have fathomed the four noble truths. They will walk in the right path.


Nothing has ever been out of place in this existence. Things have been out of place in human societies.


Leave your existence to existence, stop caring for yourself so much and let the universe care for you; it is the best mother.


Know that humiliation does not weaken you, it strengthens you. The more egoistic you are, the more humiliation you feel. When you are childlike and have a greater sense of kinship, you do not feel humiliated. When you are steeped in love with the Existence, with the Divine, nothing whatsoever can humiliate you.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

There is therefore no reason to put a limit to evolutionary possibility by taking our present organization or status of existence as final. The animal is a laboratory in which Nature has worked out man; man may very well be a laboratory in which she wills to work out superman, to disclose the soul as a divine being, to evolve a divine nature.

Sri Aurobindo

What does Vedanta do? That thou art. It brings these two together. The great insight of Advaita Vedanta is: what you reach through the God-centered approach (that) and what you reach through the self-inquiry approach (thou) is the same reality. By bringing them together, Atman is Brahman. That thou art. The realization is: that indubitable, undoubtable, personal existence is also the infinitude of God. The unproblematic, infinite nature of God, and the undoubted, certain nature of yourselves are combined. So, you have a certain, undoubted, infinite existence. That is what you come upon in Advaitic realization.

Swami Sarvapriyananda

Until we can look at fear and accept it as the shadow of personal existence, as persons we are bound to be afraid.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

The whole secret of existence is to have no fear.


Everything comes from the same source. You can be at absolute ease only if you experience yourself as a part of existence, not as a separate individual.


He who denies the existence of God, has some reason for wishing that God did not exist.

Saint Augustine

Gratitude is not a mere word; it is not a mere concept. It is the living breath of your real existence on earth.

Sri Chinmoy

The point is seeing that THIS - the immediate, everyday and present experience - is IT, the entire and ultimate point for the existence of a universe. I believe that if this state of consciousness could become more universal, the pretentious nonsense which passes for the serious business of the world would dissolve in laughter.

Alan Watts

Some beings will walk with you for the duration of this bodily existence, up to the very end. Some will come with bright promises, bright lights, but they fade quickly. Others come, they don’t look like they will go very far, but they are marathon runners; they’re there with you all the time. You cannot determine this... Somehow in the flow of your own unique river, you will see that everything is as it should be.


Remember from this very moment: always choose that which is good for you and good for others. Choose creativity. Become a blessing to existence, because that is the only way that we can persuade God to become a blessing to us. That's the only true prayer: becoming a blessing to everyone - to people, to animals, to trees, to life in all its forms. If one remains consciously alert, slowly slowly the art is learned; slowly slowly it becomes just natural.

Osho (Rajneesh)

The ego's phenomenal existence is transcended when you dive into the source from where the `I'-thought rises.

Ramana Maharshi

God is the very creative energy of existence - creativity rather than a creator. He is not the poet but the poetry, not the dancer but the dance, not the flower but the fragrance.

Osho (Rajneesh)

Awareness is the power that is concealed within the present moment. … The ultimate purpose of human existence, which is to say, your purpose, is to bring that power into this world.

Eckhart Tolle

The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.

Rabindranath Tagore

Freedom is not a reaction; freedom is not a choice. Freedom is found in the choiceless awareness of our daily existence and activity.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

To be conscious that we are perceiving or thinking is to be conscious of our own existence.


Creativity has two possibilities. One is that it arises out of your silence, love, understanding, your clarity of vision, your intimate friendliness with existence - then creativity is healthy. But if it does not arise out of meditation, out of silence and peace and understanding and love, then there is a danger. It may be arising out of your confused mind. It may be arising out of your insanity.

Osho (Rajneesh)

Meditative state is the highest state of existence. So long as there is desire, no real happiness can come. It is only the contemplative, witness-like study of objects that brings to us real enjoyment and happiness. The animal has its happiness in the senses, the man in his intellect, and the god in spiritual contemplation. It is only to the soul that has attained to this contemplative state that the world really becomes beautiful. To him who desires nothing, and does not mix himself up with them, the manifold changes of nature are one panorama of beauty and sublimity.

Swami Vivekananda

Events bring you small joy, while existence brings you bliss.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar