Zen Quotes
Abundance (20)
Advaita (14)
Alone (191)
Angels (16)
Anger (180)
Animals (39)
Art (1407)
Atman (30)
Attachment (98)
Awakening (38)
Awareness (159)
Beauty (129)
Bhakti (16)
Bliss (123)
Body (654)
Brahma (63)
Brahman (39)
Brain (50)
Breath (134)
Buddhism (16)
Change (272)
Compassion (184)
Confidence (38)
Consciousness (328)
Courage (98)
Creativity (79)
Culture (64)
Darkness (83)
Death (254)
Desire (301)
Destiny (28)
Dharma (29)
Discipline (61)
Disease (53)
Divine (249)
Divinity (26)
Dream (107)
Dreams (25)
Earth (173)
Effort (147)
Ego (245)
Energy (132)
Enlightenment (74)
Evil (162)
Evolution (62)
Existence (191)
Eyes (139)
Failure (51)
Faith (224)
Family (77)
Fear (295)
Food (84)
Forgiveness (35)
Freedom (167)
Friend (158)
Future (182)
God (1448)
Grace (115)
Gratitude (43)
Guru (110)
Habits (30)
Happiness (320)
Happy (205)
Harmony (81)
Hatred (52)
Health (94)
Heart (693)
Heaven (128)
Hell (37)
Honor (50)
Human (535)
Humanity (88)
Ignorance (114)
Illusion (72)
Imagination (48)
India (69)
Infinite (141)
Intellect (80)
Intelligence (66)
Intuition (26)
Jesus (106)
Journey (72)
Joy (420)
Justice (69)
Karma (57)
Knowledge (338)
Krishna (101)
Kriya Yoga (827)
Liberation (46)
Life (1404)
Light (479)
Love (1337)
Manifestation (43)
Mantra (25)
Maya (28)
Meditation (281)
Mind (1257)
Miracle (40)
Moment (343)
Money (71)
Music (96)
Nature (389)
Nonviolence (23)
Ocean (112)
Paradise (19)
Past (154)
Patience (70)
Peace (431)
People (623)
Philosophy (43)
Pleasure (119)
Poverty (47)
Practice (287)
Pranayama (14)
Prayer (137)
Purpose (129)
Reality (223)
Religion (200)
Sacrifice (58)
Sadhana (32)
Secret (117)
Seeker (47)
Senses (66)
Service (120)
Silence (160)
Simplicity (26)
Sin (701)
Sleep (76)
Smile (54)
Society (101)
Sorrow (82)
Soul (532)
Sound (65)
Source (138)
Spirit (578)
Spiritual (411)
Success (137)
Suffering (247)
Sun (139)
Surrender (63)
Thoughts (247)
Time (630)
Touch (107)
Truth (506)
Unconscious (44)
Understanding (124)
Unity (135)
Universe (243)
Vedanta (30)
Violence (71)
War (681)
Wealth (107)
Wisdom (170)
Work (382)
World (1043)
Yoga (142)
Zazen (12)
Zen (72)
Zen Quotes
Not thinking about anything is zen. Once you know this, walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is zen. To know that the mind is empty is to see the buddha.... Using the mind to reality is delusion. Not using the mind to look for reality is awareness. Freeing oneself from words is liberation.
World' is a large term, but man must enlarge his allegiance, considering himself in the light of a world citizen... A person who truly feels: 'The world is my homeland; it is my America, my India, my Philippines, my England, my Africa,' will never lack scope for a useful and happy life. His natural local pride will know limitless expansion; he will be in touch with creative universal currents.
Neither numbers nor powers nor wealth nor learning nor eloquence nor anything else will prevail, but purity, living the life, in one word, anubhuti, realisation. Let there be a dozen such lion-souls in each country, lions who have broken their own bonds, who have touched the Infinite, whose whole soul is gone to Brahman, who care neither for wealth nor power nor fame, and these will be enough to shake the world.
While you are continuing this practice, week after week, year after year, your experience will become deeper and deeper, and your experience will cover everything you do in your everyday life. The most important thing is to forget all gain ing ideas, all dualistic ideas. In other words, just practice zazen in a certain posture. Do not think about anything. Just remain on your cushion without expecting anything. Then eventually you will resume your own true nature. That is to say, your own true nature resumes itself.
In Zazen, in the practice of meditation, we do not try to escape from the world. We face it directly. By facing it directly, we can become completely immersed in it.
Do not try to correct the mind. Trying to correct the mind is like trying to correct the waves in the ocean. Can you stop the waves in the ocean? If you want to see an ocean without waves you only have to dive deeper. When you dive deep inside you will experience the stillness of the ocean. And if it is all frozen that is enlightenment.
If you understand real practice, then archery or other activities can be zen. If you don't understand how to practice archery in its true sense, then even though you practice very hard, what you acquire is just technique. It won't help you through and through. Perhaps you can hit the mark without trying, but without a bow and arrow you cannot do anything. If you understand the point of practice, then even without a bow and arrow the archery will help you. How you get that kind of power or ability is only through right practice.
In life as well as in art Zen never wastes energy in stopping to explain; it only indicates.
Zen is a liberation from time. For if we open our eyes and see clearly, it becomes obvious that there is no other time than this instant, and that the past and the future are abstractions without any concrete reality.
But the transformation of consciousness undertaken in Taoism and Zen is more like the correction of faulty perception or the curing of a disease. It is not an acquisitive process of learning more and more facts or greater and greater skills, but rather an unlearning of wrong habits and opinions. As Lao-tzu said, "The scholar gains every day, but the Taoist loses every day."
There are very few things in the mind which eat up as much energy as worry. It is one of the most difficult things not to worry about anything. Worry is experienced when things go wrong, but in relation to past happenings it is idle merely to wish that they might have been otherwise. The frozen past is what it is, and no amount of worrying is going to make it other than what it has been. But the limited ego-mind identifies itself with its past, gets entangled with it and keeps alive the pangs of frustrated desires.
By far the greater part of violence that humans inflicted on each other is not the work of criminals or mentally deranged, but of normal, respectable citizens in service of the collective ego. One can go so far as to say that on this planet "normal" equals insane. What is it that lies at the root of this insanity? Complete identification with thought and emotion, that is to say, ego.
This is what Zen means by being detached—not being without emotion or feeling, but being one in whom feeling is not sticky or blocked, and through whom the experiences of the world pass like the reflections of birds flying over water.
If you think you will get something from practicing zazen, already you are involved in impure practice.
Zen is all-inclusive. It never denies, it never says no to anything; it accepts everything and transforms it into a higher reality.
The life of Zen begins, therefore, in a disillusion with the pursuit of goals which do not really exist the good without the bad, the gratification of a self which is no more than an idea, and the morrow which never comes.
No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated. Any nation that is progressive is led by people who have had the privilege of studying.
People say that practicing Zen is difficult, but there is a misunderstanding as to why. It is not difficult because it is hard to sit in the cross-legged position, or to attain enlightenment. It is difficult because it is hard to keep our mind pure and our practice pure in its fundamental sense.
For Zen students, a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
I have lived with several Zen masters -- all of them cats.
Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, walking, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is Zen.
No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training... what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.
Zazen practice is the direct expression of our true nature. Strictly speaking, for a human being, there is no other practice than this practice; there is no other way of life than this way of life.