Fill your mind with compassion.
He who slings mud loses ground.
Be the witness of your thoughts.
Winter always turns into Spring.
Be greatly aware of the present.
He is able who think he is able.
Nothing is forever except change.
After enlightenment, the laundry.
Let a man overcome anger by love.
Look within, thou art the Buddha.
He who is grateful doesn't suffer.
Don't just do something, be there.
Our life is a creation of our mind.
See the truth, and you will see me.
The root of suffering is attachment.
Born out of concern for all beings.
How deeply did you learn to let go?
You create what you defend against.
Believe there is good in the world.
Life is uncertain; death is certain.
Hate never ends hate. Only love can.
Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.
You can only lose what you cling to.