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Guru Nanak Icon Image
Guru Nanak

Born into a rigid social hierarchy, he pioneered a spiritual revolution that challenged centuries of religious and social divisions in the Indian subcontinent. Through powerful poetry and radical teachings, he established Sikhism as a transformative path of equality, rejecting caste distinctions, gender inequalities, and religious exclusivism. His profound philosophy emphasized direct spiritual experience, selfless service, and the fundamental unity of all human beings, creating a spiritual movement that would reshape social dynamics and offer a powerful alternative to existing religious orthodoxies.

Guru Nanak Icon Image
Guru Nanak

Born into a rigid social hierarchy, he pioneered a spiritual revolution that challenged centuries of religious and social divisions in the Indian subcontinent. Through powerful poetry and radical teachings, he established Sikhism as a transformative path of equality, rejecting caste distinctions, gender inequalities, and religious exclusivism. His profound philosophy emphasized direct spiritual experience, selfless service, and the fundamental unity of all human beings, creating a spiritual movement that would reshape social dynamics and offer a powerful alternative to existing religious orthodoxies.

Conquer your mind and conquer the world.

Guru Nanak

The world is a drama, staged in a dream

Guru Nanak

Even Kings and emperors with heaps of wealth and vast dominion cannot compare with an ant filled with the love of God.

Guru Nanak

Death would not be called bad, o people, if one knew how to truly die.

Guru Nanak

Only fools argue whether to eat meat or not. They don't understand truth nor do they meditate on it. Who can define what is meat and what is plant? Who knows where the sin lies, being a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian?

Guru Nanak

Truth is the highest virtue, but higher still is truthful living.

Guru Nanak

We are born of woman, we are conceived in the womb of woman, we are engaged and married to woman. We make friendship with woman and the lineage continued because of woman. When one woman dies, we take another one, we are bound with the world through woman. Why should we talk ill of her, who gives birth to kings? The woman is born from woman; there is none without her. Only the One True Lord is without woman.

Guru Nanak

Build the raft of meditation and self-discipline, to carry you across the river. There will be no ocean, and no rising tides to stop you; this is how comfortable your path shall be.

Guru Nanak

There is but One God, His name is Truth, He is the Creator, He fears none, he is without hate, He never dies, He is beyond the cycle of births and death, He is self-illuminated, He is realized by the kindness of the True Guru. He was True in the beginning, He was True when the ages commenced and has ever been True, He is also True now.

Guru Nanak

Those who have loved are those that have found God.

Guru Nanak

Whatever be the qualities of the man with whom a woman is united according to the law, such qualities even she assumes, like a river, united with the ocean.

Guru Nanak

See the brotherhood of all mankind as the highest order of Yogis; conquer your own mind, and conquer the world.

Guru Nanak

Blessed, blessed is the True Guru, the Immaculate, Almighty Lord God, meeting Him, I meditate on the Name of the Lord.

Guru Nanak

Speak only that which will bring you honor.

Guru Nanak

As a father supports his sons, so let the eldest support his younger brothers, and let them also in accordance with the law behave towards their eldest brother as sons behave.

Guru Nanak

Alone let him constantly meditate in solitude on that which is salutary for his soul, for he who meditates in solitude attains supreme bliss.

Guru Nanak

Dwell in peace in the home of your own being, and the Messenger of Death will not be able to touch you.

Guru Nanak

Even kings and emperors, with mountains of property and oceans of wealth - these are not even equal to an ant, who does not forget God.

Guru Nanak

For each and every person, our Lord and Master provides sustenance. Why are you so afraid, O mind? The flamingos fly hundreds of miles, leaving their young ones behind. Who feeds them, and who teaches them to feed themselves? Have you ever thought of this in your mind?

Guru Nanak

Food sacred to the manes or to the gods must be given to a man distinguished by sacred knowledge, for hands, smeared with blood, cannot be cleansed with blood.

Guru Nanak

As fragrance abides in the flower. As reflection is within the mirror, So does your Lord abide within you, Why search for him without?

Guru Nanak

With your hands carve out your own destiny.

Guru Nanak

Sing the songs of joy to the Lord, serve the Name of the Lord, and become the servant of His servants.

Guru Nanak