Freedom Quotes
Abundance (20)
Advaita (14)
Alone (191)
Angels (16)
Anger (180)
Animals (39)
Art (1407)
Atman (30)
Attachment (98)
Awakening (38)
Awareness (159)
Beauty (129)
Bhakti (16)
Bliss (123)
Body (654)
Brahma (63)
Brahman (39)
Brain (50)
Breath (134)
Buddhism (16)
Change (272)
Compassion (184)
Confidence (38)
Consciousness (328)
Courage (98)
Creativity (79)
Culture (64)
Darkness (83)
Death (254)
Desire (301)
Destiny (28)
Dharma (29)
Discipline (61)
Disease (53)
Divine (249)
Divinity (26)
Dream (107)
Dreams (25)
Earth (173)
Effort (147)
Ego (245)
Energy (132)
Enlightenment (74)
Evil (162)
Evolution (62)
Existence (191)
Eyes (139)
Failure (51)
Faith (224)
Family (77)
Fear (295)
Food (84)
Forgiveness (35)
Freedom (167)
Friend (158)
Future (182)
God (1448)
Grace (115)
Gratitude (43)
Guru (110)
Habits (30)
Happiness (320)
Happy (205)
Harmony (81)
Hatred (52)
Health (94)
Heart (693)
Heaven (128)
Hell (37)
Honor (50)
Human (535)
Humanity (88)
Ignorance (114)
Illusion (72)
Imagination (48)
India (69)
Infinite (141)
Intellect (80)
Intelligence (66)
Intuition (26)
Jesus (106)
Journey (72)
Joy (420)
Justice (69)
Karma (57)
Knowledge (338)
Krishna (101)
Kriya Yoga (827)
Liberation (46)
Life (1404)
Light (479)
Love (1337)
Manifestation (43)
Mantra (25)
Maya (28)
Meditation (281)
Mind (1257)
Miracle (40)
Moment (343)
Money (71)
Music (96)
Nature (389)
Nonviolence (23)
Ocean (112)
Paradise (19)
Past (154)
Patience (70)
Peace (431)
People (623)
Philosophy (43)
Pleasure (119)
Poverty (47)
Practice (287)
Pranayama (14)
Prayer (137)
Purpose (129)
Reality (223)
Religion (200)
Sacrifice (58)
Sadhana (32)
Secret (117)
Seeker (47)
Senses (66)
Service (120)
Silence (160)
Simplicity (26)
Sin (701)
Sleep (76)
Smile (54)
Society (101)
Sorrow (82)
Soul (532)
Sound (65)
Source (138)
Spirit (578)
Spiritual (411)
Success (137)
Suffering (247)
Sun (139)
Surrender (63)
Thoughts (247)
Time (630)
Touch (107)
Truth (506)
Unconscious (44)
Understanding (124)
Unity (135)
Universe (243)
Vedanta (30)
Violence (71)
War (681)
Wealth (107)
Wisdom (170)
Work (382)
World (1043)
Yoga (142)
Zazen (12)
Zen (72)
Freedom Quotes
Man's free agency is not of the mind, for that is bound. There is no freedom there.
In Zen, poverty is voluntary, and considered not really as poverty so much as simplicity, freedom, unclutteredness.
I believe that the very effort to convert anybody is violence, it is interfering in his individuality, in his uniqueness, into his freedom.
There are many aspects to success; material wealth is only one component. But success also includes good health, energy and enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability, a sense of well-being, and peace of mind.
Goodness is not in the backyard of the individual nor in the open field of the collective; goodness flowers only in freedom from both.
Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice... No one can prevent you from being aware of each step you take or each breath in and breath out.
Through discipline comes freedom.
Learn to look without imagination, to listen without distortion: that is all. Stop attributing names and shapes to the essentially nameless and formless, realize that every mode of perception is subjective, that what is seen or heard, touched or smelled, felt or thought, expected or imagined, is in the mind and not in reality, and you will experience peace and freedom from fear.
Nature has come to a point where now, unless you take individual responsibility, you cannot grow. More than this nature cannot do. It has done enough. It has given you life, it has given you opportunity; now how to use it, it has left up to you. Meditation is your freedom, not a biological necessity. You can learn in a certain period of time every day to strengthen meditation, to make it stronger - but carry the flavor of it the whole day.
Foolishness is giving up without any effort or not giving up after putting in all your effort. Secret of freedom is putting all your effort and giving up!
Freedom alone is not enough without light to read at night, without time or access to water to irrigate your farm, without the ability to catch fish to feed your family.
Pleasure is the beginning and the end of living happily. Epicurus taught: Pleasure, defined as freedom from pain, is the highest good.
The way to freedom is through service to others. The way to happiness is through meditation and being in tune with God... break the barriers of your ego, shed selfishness, free yourself from the consciousness of the body, forget yourself, do away with this prison house of incarnations, melt your heart in all, be one with creation.
I would say that the thrust of my life has been initially about getting free, and then realizing that my freedom is not independent of everybody else. Then I am arriving at that circle where one works on oneself as a gift to other people so that one doesn't create more suffering. I help people as a work on myself and I work on myself to help people.
It is only your self-identification with your mind that makes you happy or unhappy. Rebel against your slavery to your mind, see your bonds as self-created and break the chains of attachment and revulsion. Keep in mind your goal of freedom, until it dawns on you that you are already free, that freedom is not something in the distant future to be earned with painful efforts, but perennially one's own, to be used! Liberation is not an acquisition but a matter of courage, the courage to believe that you are free already and to act on it.
The idea of reward and punishment also springs from this law. Whatever we sow, we must reap. It cannot be otherwise. [...] If a person spends all his life in evil-thinking and wrongdoing, then it is useless for him to look for happiness hereafter; because our hereafter is not a matter of chance, but follows as the reaction of our present action. [...] We should, however, never lose sight of the fact that all these ideas of reward and punishment exist in the realm of relativity or finiteness. No soul can ever be doomed eternally through his finite evil deeds; for the cause and effect must always be equal. Thus we can see through our common sense that the theory of eternal perdition and eternal heaven is impossible and illogical, since no finite action can create an infinite result. Hence according to Vedanta, the goal of mankind is neither temporal pleasure nor pain, but Mukti or absolute freedom; and each soul is consciously or unconsciously marching towards this goal through the various experiences of life and death.
The essence of the Way is detachment. And the goal of those who practice is freedom from appearances.
Knowledge is an addiction, as drink; knowledge does not bring understanding. Knowledge can be taught, but not wisdom; there must be freedom from knowledge for the coming of wisdom.
I am able to love my God because He gives me freedom to deny Him.
Witness and stand back from Nature, that is the first step to the soul's freedom.
You do not need to seek freedom in some distant land, for it exists within your own body, heart, mind, and soul.
Non-attachment is like a fire that can burn the binding power of past samskaras. Non-attachment does not mean indifference or non-loving. Non-attachment and love are one and the same. Non-attachment gives freedom, but attachment brings bondage.
Reactivity is enslavement. Responsibility is freedom.